Thank you for sharing your update and testimonial with us, Angela!
I was hesitant to make this post and thought about it for a long while for fear of being judged. I finally mustered up the confidence to do it in hopes that it will inspire someone else.
Like most women, when it comes to our bodies, we can be our own biggest critic. The changes from childbirth to growing older, left me lacking the confidence I once had. Even with dieting & exercise, I couldn’t seem to get the “pooch” in my stomach to go away. As we age, even our skin becomes more lax which seemed to make it worse in that area.
After a lot of frustration, I began to research doctors who specialized in the tummy area. I came across a post for 4D Vaser Lipo & ab “etching.” I reached out to Dr. Cyr. He and his staff were wonderful and I am very happy with the results. He was able to fix my problem area and give me my confidence back!
Although it isn’t a permanent fix without continued proper diet & exercise, it gave me the boost I needed. Now I am ready to hit the gym for an 8-week total-body overhaul. I got this and YOU can too!! It is YOUR life. YOU are your only competition!! Do what you need to do to be happy! 🙂💪 Gym time!!! ~Angela Dawn Murray
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